Thursday, December 23, 2010


Hay momentos en la vida, en que me he sentido triste,sin animo y derrotada. Pero en esos mismo momentos también me ha pasado q he pensado lo que pasa y me he dado cuenta q CIERTAMENTE LOS PLANES DE DIOS SON PERFECTOS y que por eso en ÉL debo confiar.

Hoy me embarga la alegría de saber que los frutos de NUESTRO esfuerzo esta dando los primeros FRUTOS y por eso le doy inmensamente gracias a Dios.

Es un largo camino el que hemos recorrido, acompañados por TODOS nuestros seres queridos bajo la guía de Dios nuestro Señor. Seguiremos en este caminar hasta que Él nos lo permita, seguros que llegaremos a la meta y disfrutaremos llenos de alegría con todo, todos, los que tanto adoramos!.

Monday, December 13, 2010

"What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from."
– T.S. Eliot

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Abbott Withdraws Sibutramine From Market

This Article is dedicated to my COLOMBIAN FRIENDS that love SIBUTRAMINA.
SOURCE: www.medscape.com

Abbott Withdraws Sibutramine From Market

October 8, 2010 — Abbott Laboratories has withdrawn the obesity drug sibutramine (Meridia) from the market in light of clinical trial data pointing to an increased risk for stroke and myocardial infarction, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced today.
The agency asked Abbott Laboratories to pull the drug from the market after it evaluated data from a postmarketing study of the drug's cardiovascular safety. The study, called the Sibutramine Cardiovascular Outcomes Trial (SCOUT), demonstrated a 16% increase in the risk for serious cardiovascular events such as nonfatal heart attack, nonfatal stroke, the need for resuscitation after the heart stopped, and death in a cohort of patients given sibutramine compared with another given a placebo.
In September, an FDA advisory panel reviewed the SCOUT results, with half of the members in favor of withdrawing sibutramine and the other half recommending stricter access to the drug and tougher label warnings.
Following the advisory panel vote, the FDA concluded that the cardiovascular risks posed by sibutramine outweigh the modest weight loss observed with the drug, which the agency had approved in 1997.
At a press conference today, John Jenkins, MD, director of the Office of New Drugs at the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said that roughly 100,000 people in the United States are currently taking sibutramine.
The FDA is advising physicians to stop prescribing sibutramine and for patients to stop taking it and talk to their healthcare provider about alternative weight-loss regimens. The agency does not know of any withdrawal syndrome associated with the drug, according to Dr. Jenkins.
Dr. Jenkins also said he is not aware of any long-term consequences for patients who stop taking the drug. The cardiovascular events observed in SCOUT, he said, probably stem from sibutramine increasing blood pressure and heart rate. These adverse effects disappear once the drug is withdrawn.
In the wake of the sibutramine decision, there are still a limited number of FDA-approved drugs for losing weight, said Mary Parks, MD, director of the agency's Division of Metabolic and Endocrine Drug Products, at today's press conference. Prescription drugs for short-term weight loss include phentermine and diethylpropion. Orlistat is available in both an over-the-counter form (Alli; GlaxoSmithKline) and prescription form (Xenical; Hoffman-La Roche) at a higher dose, Dr. Parks added.
Last May, the FDA revised the label for both versions of orlistat to warn about rare cases of severe liver injury associated with the drug.
Dr. Jenkins suggested Friday that the nation would benefit from more weight-loss drugs.
"We're still very committed to working with (manufacturers) to help them to develop and gain approval of safe and effective drugs to help patients manage weight," Dr. Jenkins said. "Obesity is a serious health problem."
More information about today's announcement is available on the FDA's Web site.
In a related action, the FDA warned consumers today not to use a weight-loss product called Slimming Beauty Bitter Orange Slimming Capsules, sold over the Internet, because they contain sibutramine. The drug is not listed on the product label.
To report adverse events related to sibutramine or Slimming Beauty capsules, contact MedWatch, the FDA's safety information and adverse event reporting program, by telephone at 1-800-FDA-1088, by fax at 1-800-FDA-0178, online at http://www.fda.gov/medwatch, or by mail to MedWatch, FDA, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, Maryland 20852-9787.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


° Makeup Artist: Julie Cook

° What she used:

1. Smashbox Eye Lights Eye Shadow Palette - Strobe Pearl Denim Blue Deep Brown 45g016oz.
Smashbox Eye Lights Eye Shadow Palette - Strobe  Pearl Denim Blue Deep Brown  45g016oz

2. WISH List - $56 - Travel Size Photo Finish Foundation Primer, Jet Set Waterproof Eye Liner in Midnight Black, Photo Op Under Eye Brightener, New - O-Gloss Gold and Fusion Soft Lights in Baked Stardust



GIFTS that we got:

Special thanks to:

2. Smashbox and its makeup artist : Julie Cook

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Que eso no se puede,es muy difícil, ni lo intentes!.....
Cuantas veces muchas personas me han dicho esto (eso sí, nunca mis padres, de eso si doy fe. Ellos son mi apoyo 100%), y GRACIAS a estas palabras con algún tipo de "mala vibra " aquí estoy, FELIZ haciendo mis  sueños una  realidad!

Desde siempre ha sido así. En el Colegio no se podía hacer otra cosa que no fuera los que las monjas dijeran; pero nosotras siempre hacíamos lo que queríamos, lo que nos gustaba y por eso TENGO MARAVILLOSOS RECUERDOS de mi época estudiantil. Por ejemplo :
Pensar y dudar acerca de Dios, eso era una desgracia TOTAL, pero fue gracias a eso que  mi fe hoy es GRANDE !. Cantar en un coro? Hacer parte de una estudiantina? no que horror! decían muchas compañeras, pero a mi QUE ME IMPORTABA; y ahí estuve, cantando, como siempre me ha gustado y como lo disfrute!!! Ahora gracias a eso soy buena en KARAOKE!! y me DIVIERTO! y a el que no le guste, pues ...

En la universidad, si que fue un campo de batalla. Claro que de eso me di cuenta después de muchos años. Por que eso si, para ingenua y buena amiga : YO! ; en fin, volviendo al tema, recuerdo que alguna vez le dije a uno de mis compañeros: quiero ser como "xy" persona y el me respondió: eso es MUY DIFÍCIL. Desde ese día decidí que así como en el Colegio yo era un ejemplo en muchas cosas, en la universidad también podía serlo. Y no solo por el hecho de dar ejemplo, sino por el hecho de ser FELIZ disfrutando lo que a mi me gusta : estudiar para ser todos los días un mejor medico para mis pacientes! No por nada me gradué con honores! :O)

Vivir en Canada , PERO COMO SE TE OCURRE, ESO POR ALLÁ TAN LEJOS?? Lo que me decían "casi todos" a mi al rededor. Con mil inconvenientes, 2mil sacrificios y mucha perseverancia mi ESPOSO ( mi otros apoyo permanente) y yo  estamos aquí . Y para ser sincera ESTOY FELIZ de HABER HECHO LO Q ME VINIERA  EN GANA. Por que gracias a eso ahora salgo a la calle con mi anillo de matrimonio  y no tengo que estar pendiente que me van a arrancar el dedo por quitármelo; estudio feliz por que se que pronto podre disfrutar del  gratificante  personal de un gracias de un paciente en mi consulta de medicina interna . Trabajo y me sacrifico feliz por que se que gracias a ello Dios nos dará vida y tiempo para compartir en un futuro cercano con nuestras  FAMILIAS.

Soy médico, y amo mi carrera. Y me gusta la moda, ay como me gusta! y que?? Y me maquillo hasta para estar encerrada en 4 paredes y que?? Y tengo una cara aceptable dentro de los rasgos considerados  "bonitos" y  ademas soy INTELIGENTE y que?? ... Como disfruto  todo esto! como disfruto estudiar, como disfruto cocinar,como disfruto hablar con mis padres, enviarle un mensaje a mi hno,escuchar a mi abuelito,abrazar a mi esposo,besar a mi esposo; como disfruto hacer de mi tiempo  de vacaciones un blog ( a pesar que muchos me digan DESOCUPADA y loca), como disfruto ver crecer por el FB a mi sobrina; como disfruto de la vida que DIOS me regalo!!
Lejos  de las malas energías, cerca de  las decisiones y  hechos que nos hacen FELIZ (soy casada y mi pareja SIEMPRE cuenta) ,  DE LA MANO DE DIOS , el hacer lo que me hace feliz me llena de DICHA el corazón !.

 "Nadie sabe lo de nadie",  dice un refrán de "abuelita"; es por eso que todos debemos hacer lo que nos haga feliz - lo que nos venga en gana -, SIN HACER DAÑO AL PRÓJIMO (eso es importante, por que sino la felicidad ya no tiene sentido). Por que es cierto, solo  nosotros mismos conocemos  nuestros  deseos, gustos y sentimientos!

Vanessa Ocampo Duque.

Scallops and Shrimp with Sherry Paprika

This recipe makes 4 servings


2/3 cup (150 mL) drained and chopped jarred roasted red peppers
1/3 cup (75 mL) dry sherry (vino de Jerez)
2 tbsp (25 mL) 10% cream
2 tsp (10 mL) smoked sweet paprika
1 tsp (5 mL) chopped fresh rosemary
1/2 tsp (2 mL) salt
1/2 tsp (2 mL) pepper
16 sea scallops
10 oz (283 g) large raw shrimp, peeled and deveined
2 tbsp (25 mL) butter
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 tbsp (15 mL) chopped fresh parsley


1. In blender, puree together peppers, sherry, cream, paprika, rosemary, salt and pepper; set aside.

2. Remove tough muscle from side of each scallop if necessary; pat scallops and shrimp dry.

In large skillet, heat butter over medium heat; cook garlic until softened but not browned, about 1 minute. Add scallops and shrimp; cook over high heat, stirring, until shrimp begin to turn pink, about 1 minute.

3. Stir in pepper mixture; cover and cook until shrimp are pink and scallops are opaque, about 3 minutes. Sprinkle with parsley and basil.

4. It could be served with PASTA and bread.

 ENJOY it !!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

High Alpha-Carotene Blood Levels Linked With Reduced All-Cause Mortality CME News Author: Jim Kling CME Author: Charles P. Vega, MD

Source: www.medscape.com
November 29, 2010 — Higher blood levels of α-carotene are associated with a lowered risk for death, according to an article in the Archives of Internal Medicine, published online on November 22, 2010.
The study suggests that increased consumption of fruits and vegetables, which produce α-carotene and carotenoids, could be an effective strategy to reduce the odds of premature death.
Previous studies have shown that increased fruit and vegetable consumption has a protective effect against chronic diseases such as cancer, coronary artery disease, and diabetes, but it is unknown what constituents of these foods confer the protective effect.
Carotenoids are antioxidants and are believed to be protective through mitigation of oxygen-related damage to DNA, proteins, and fats, which may play an important role in chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.
Randomized trials of β-carotene supplements have revealed no protective effect against cancer, cardiovascular disease, or type 2 diabetes, suggesting that some other element must be responsible.
The antioxidant α-carotene is chemically similar to β-carotene, but in vitro studies have demonstrated that α-carotene is approximately 10 times more effective in inhibiting proliferation of human neuroblastoma cells, and it inhibits liver carcinogenesis.
Other studies have shown that yellow-orange and dark green vegetables, which have a high α-carotene content, are most protective against lung cancer vs all other vegetables.
The researchers examined 15,318 people in the United States who participated in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Follow-up Study, which was designed to be a representative sample of the US civilian population. Included patients were at least 20 years old. The original study was performed, and serum samples were collected between 1988 and 1994.
The researchers separated participants into those with blood α-carotene levels of 0 to 1 μg/dL and those with higher levels. The researchers linked the participants to the National Death Index to determine their status as of December 31, 2006. Higher levels were associated with reduced risks for premature death: Participants with levels between 2 to 3 μg/dL had a relative risk for death of 0.73 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.68 - 0.87), and those with levels from 4 to 5 μg/dL had a relative risk of 0.73 (95% CI, 0.65 - 0.83). Also, participants with levels of 6 to 8 μg/dL had a relative risk of 0.66 (95% CI, 0.55 - 0.79), and those with levels of 9 μg/dL or higher had a relative risk of 0.61 (95% CI, 0.51 - 0.73).
The researchers also identified links between blood α-carotene concentrations and the risk for death from cardiovascular disease (P = .007), cancer (P = .02), and all other causes (P < .001). The researchers stratified participants into subgroups of demographic characteristics, lifestyle habits, and health risk factors, and they found that the link between α-carotene levels and all-cause mortality was significant in most groupings.
Some previous studies have looked at levels of α-carotene and the risk for death from cardiovascular disease, but they found no link. The researchers say that the inconsistency might be because of different demographics among participants, as well as small sample sizes and short follow-up periods.
Strengths of the study included a large sample size and long follow-up period. There were also several limitations. First, only a single measure of serum α-carotene was available, which could cause bias in the form of regression to the mean that could have led to underestimation of the strength of associations. Second, misclassification of the cause of death of study participants, particularly of diabetes, could similarly cause underestimation. Finally, α-carotene concentrations could also be an indicator of other forces that directly affect mortality outcomes.
The study authors have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
Arch Intern Med. Published online November 22, 2010.

Clinical Context

The power antioxidant α-carotene is obtained mainly from consumption of fruits and vegetables, particularly root vegetables such as carrots. Few supplements currently contain significant levels of α-carotene.
Although increased dietary consumption of carotene has been associated with a lower risk for cardiovascular disease and cancer, trials of β-carotene supplements have largely been negative. However, there is some evidence that α-carotene might inhibit tumor cells to a greater degree than β-carotene.
There is a limited amount of research regarding α-carotene levels and health outcomes, and the results of this research have been mixed. The current study uses a large population cohort to better understand the association, if any, between serum α-carotene levels and mortality.

Clinical Implications

  • The powerful antioxidant α-carotene is derived mainly from consumption of fruits and vegetables, particularly root vegetables such as carrots. Although increased dietary consumption of carotene has been associated with a lower risk for cardiovascular disease and cancer, trials of β-carotene supplements have largely been negative. However, there is some evidence that α-carotene might inhibit tumor cells to a greater degree than β-carotene.
  • Serum α-carotene levels were inversely associated with overall mortality as well as cancer mortality and cardiovascular mortality in the current study.


Esta soy yo, lista para cocinar por un periodo CORTO de tiempo....siempre hay mas cosas que hacer!!

Sé que a muchos  no les gusta las espinacas, pero esta crema de ESPINACAS les aseguro es DELICIOSA, ademas muy buena para el frio!

  1. 120 grs Espinacas 
  2. 1/2 cuadro de caldo Knorr
  3. 1/4 de Pimenton rojo (el mio esta amarillo por que ese es el empaque donde lo guardo)
  4. Sal al gusto
  5. 1 pechuga de pollo deshuesada y sin grasa.
  6. 2 tazas de agua (esa es mi medida para 2 personas)
  7. 1 papa parda

Tiempo aproximado 20 - 25  min
Calorias: 150 -  180 Kcal aprox por taza 

1. Lavar las espinacas con abundante agua fria por lo menos unos 8 minutos.

2. Licuar las espinacas con el pimenton ,  una pizaca de sal y 50 ml de agua:

3. En una olla vertir las 2 tazas de agua, la pecuga de pollo, el 1/2 cubo de caldo de pollo,la papa pelada . Dejar hervir por 10 min.

4. Cuando la papa este blanda y el pollo cocinado sacarlas de la olla y licuar con 25 ml de agua :

5. Agregar los que ya teníamos licuado ( las espinacas ) con la mezcla que acabamos de licuar a la olla con agua hirviendo:

 6. Revolver bien con una cuchara de palo, dejar unos 5 min mas a fuego lento y servir!!
